George Floyd protests spread in US

George Floyd protests spread in US

(VOVWORLD) - Protests have spread in the US following the killing of George Floyd after a white officer pressed a knee into his neck while taking him into custody in Minnesota
Vietnam launches disinfection robot

Vietnam launches disinfection robot

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnamese scientists have developed a new robot that can clean and disinfect hospital rooms to support medical staff in the battle against the novel coronavirus
Japan to help reduce tension between US, Iran

Japan to help reduce tension between US, Iran

(VOVWORLD) - Japan wants to make every effort to reduce tension between the United States and Iran before responding to an anticipated US request to send its navy to safeguard strategic...
West Lake's hidden treasures

West Lake's hidden treasures

(VOVWORLD) - Hanoi’s Tay Ho district has the capital city’s largest lake called Ho Tay or West Lake. This huge lake has a circumference of 17 kilometers. Just 15 minutes from...