Any way out of the Thai political mess?

Any way out of the Thai political mess?

(VOVworld) - Thailand's Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra is set to attend a hearing before the National Anti-Corruption Committee Thursday on charges of ignoring warnings that the national rice subsidy scheme was...
Thai protest leader’s arrest imminent

Thai protest leader’s arrest imminent

(VOVworld) – The Thai Centre for Maintaining Peace and Order has warned protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban that his arrest is imminent and has asked him to surrender
Israel approves new settlement plans

Israel approves new settlement plans

(VOVworld) - The anti-settlement group Peace Now movement said that Israel has approved a plan to construct 272 new settlement units in West Bank as US Secretary of State John Kerry left...
Egypt: new Muslim protests

Egypt: new Muslim protests

(VOVworld)- Muslims in Egypt staged new protests Thursday. University students are protesting for the reinstatement of deposed Islamist President Mohamed Morsi
US hacks Chinese phone messages

US hacks Chinese phone messages

The United States government is hacking Chinese mobile phone companies to gather data from millions of text messages, former intelligence technician Edward Snowden told the Sunday Morning Post in Hong Kong....
 Boston bombing suspect may face death penalty

Boston bombing suspect may face death penalty

The surviving Boston bombing suspect could face the death penalty after being charged by US officials on Monday. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19 years old, is accused of using a weapon of mass...

FULRO reactionaries arrested in Central Highlands

The police in the Central Highland province of Gia Lai yesterday arrested a number of FULRO reactionaries in Hra Commune, Mang Yang District, who allegedly incited locals to sabotage national...
February 22, 2012

February 22, 2012

In its first month of operation, our website at has received a lot of visitors, who are mostly shortwave listeners with constructive feedback