Israeli anthropologist discusses Hoi An’s cuisine

Israeli anthropologist discusses Hoi An’s cuisine

(VOVWORLD) - The book “Rice talks: Food and Community in a Vietnamese Town” by Israeli anthropologist Nir Avieli takes you on a fascinating journey to explore Hoi An’s cuisine, revealing how cuisine shapes social bonds, cultural...
Historical footsteps remain on Pha Din Pass

Historical footsteps remain on Pha Din Pass

(VOVWORLD) - During the historic Dien Bien Phu campaign in 1954, the legendary Pha Din Pass saw the footprints of tens of thousands of soldiers, frontline workers, and young volunteers on their journey...
Ransomware attacks and countermeasures

Ransomware attacks and countermeasures

(VOVWORLD) - Ransomware attacks using complex methods, such as vectors, to infect networks or devices of key agencies and economic, financial, and energy organizations will continue to increase in the future, according...
National archive on Dien Bien Phu campaign

National archive on Dien Bien Phu campaign

(VOVWORLD) -The national archives on the Dien Bien Phu campaign and the Geneva Conference in 1954 have been made public for the first time on the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien...
Rain praying ritual of the X’tieng

Rain praying ritual of the X’tieng

(VOVWORLD) - The rain praying ritual is a folk belief practice of the X’tieng ethnic minority in Bu Dang district, Binh Phuoc province. Every year, before the rainy season, the X’tieng...
A vivid picture of religious freedom in Vietnam

A vivid picture of religious freedom in Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam is a multi-religion country. People of all religions are free to practice their religious rituals and beliefs in a stable, harmonious, equal and consistent environment in accordance with the law...