FPT Software produces made-in-Vietnam chips

FPT Software produces made-in-Vietnam chips

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam’s leading ICT company FPT Software has launched a new subsidiary, FPT Semiconductor, marking a key milestone for the company as it enters the booming semiconductor industry
“Vietnam: Travel to Love - Wonders of Vietnam“

“Vietnam: Travel to Love - Wonders of Vietnam“

(VOVWORLD) - To celebrate the 62nd anniversary of Vietnam's tourism industry (July 9, 1960 - July 9, 2022), the Tourism Information Center of the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (VNAT) releases a promotional clip with...
Radio adapts itself to digital transformation

Radio adapts itself to digital transformation

(VOVWORLD) - The National Radio Festival 2022, which concluded on Saturday evening, has shown broadcasting industry’s considerable innovation to adapt to digital transformation and social changes after 2 years of...
Facebook tests adding music clips in comments

Facebook tests adding music clips in comments

(VOVWORLD) - Facebook is rolling out music commenting for some users, according to social media expert Matt Navarra, who shared that some Facebook users have noted a new pop-up in...
Wednesday March 30, 2022

Wednesday March 30, 2022

(VOVWORLD) - Last week we received a lot of feedback and comments about our programs, as well as questions about many things in Vietnam
Hot TikToker Long Chun describes the life of a KOL

Hot TikToker Long Chun describes the life of a KOL

(VOVWORLD) - KOL stands for Key Opinion Leader. KOLs are not necessarily based online nor do they necessarily interact with their audience on a regular basis. But social media has altered the way KOLs work....