PM chairs Government meeting on law-making for June

PM chairs Government meeting on law-making for June

(VOVWORLD)-Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Thursday requested concentrated resources to prepare well, ensure the progress and quality of law making, saying laws and regulations must match the practical situation,...
Stronger actions needed to fight corruption

Stronger actions needed to fight corruption

(VOVWORLD) - The Central Steering Committee on Prevention and Control of Corruption and Negativity convened last week. Chaired by Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong, the meeting discussed more resolute and drastic...
Historic milestones in national development

Historic milestones in national development

(VOVWORLD) - April 30, 1975, was a profoundly significant day for the Vietnamese people. On that day, the country was reunified and entered a new era of peace and national construction,...