Russia, Turkey engage in another war of nerves

Russia, Turkey engage in another war of nerves

(VOVWORLD) -Northwestern Syria has once again become a hotspot of a prolonged crisis in Syria. Concerns are mounting over the tense confrontation between Russia and Turkey, the two countries...
Venezuela opens to talks with US

Venezuela opens to talks with US

(VOVWORLD) -Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said he was still comfortably in charge and open to direct negotiations with the US, in an interview published Saturday by The Washington Post
Vietnam hosts debate on adhering to UN Charter

Vietnam hosts debate on adhering to UN Charter

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam has taken on the role of non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the 2020-2021 term and assumed the rotating Presidency of the UN Security Council in...
US-Iran tensions de-escalate

US-Iran tensions de-escalate

(VOVWORLD) - Since Iran launched a missile attack targeting two military bases in Iraq manned by US personnel on Wednesday, no further military action from either side has been reported. Washington and...
US-Iran tension and its consequences

US-Iran tension and its consequences

(VOVWORLD) - “On the brink of war”, “on verge of conflict”, and “dangerous military confrontation” are the phrases that the media have recently used to talk about the extreme tension between...
Middle East mired in escalating tensions

Middle East mired in escalating tensions

(VOVWORLD) - Tensions in the Middle East has been escalating following the US’s declaration of additional troops deployed to the region after hundreds protesters stormed its embassy compound in Iraq on Tuesday....
Middle East review: Gloomy situation

Middle East review: Gloomy situation

(VOVWORLD) - This year the Middle East has continued to be overshadowed by conflicts, violence, and crises. The whole region sees potential risks of instability. VOV reviews
East Sea issue debated at ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting

East Sea issue debated at ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting

(VOVWORLD) - ASEAN Defense Ministers are gathering in Bangkok, Thailand, to discuss sustainable security in the region. The ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting Retreat (ADMM Retreat) and the 6th ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM...
Vietnam, China forge defence cooperation

Vietnam, China forge defence cooperation

(VOVWORLD) - Minister of Defence Ngo Xuan Lich has called on both Vietnam and China to increase delegation exchanges at all levels, maintain the ministerial-level defence policy dialogue mechanism, actively prepare...
Vietnamese cuisine an agent of cultural diplomacy

Vietnamese cuisine an agent of cultural diplomacy

(VOVWORLD) - In multilateral diplomacy, cultural activities have a special efficacy because of their non-confrontational approach. Vietnam is using culinary art as an agent of cultural diplomacy to promote its...