Vietnam seeks to strengthen ASEAN-Japan relations

Vietnam seeks to strengthen ASEAN-Japan relations

(VOVWORLD) - The 39th ASEAN-Japan Forum took place in Bangkok, Thailand on Tuesday to review the ASEAN-Japan cooperation and discuss future directions to promote their comprehensive strategic partnership
PM attends WEF meeting in China

PM attends WEF meeting in China

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and his entourage left Monday for the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Dalian city and a working visit to China until Thursday...
PM head to WEF Dalian meeting in China

PM head to WEF Dalian meeting in China

(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and his entourage on Monday left for World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Dalian city and a work trip...