Floorball, Sweden’s beloved sport

Floorball, Sweden’s beloved sport

(VOVWORLD) - Have you ever watched or played Floorball? It’s something like indoor hockey and was invented in Sweden. It was introduced to Southeast Asia nearly 10 years ago but has attracted the attention of few people in...
Serbia: 17 killed in two mass shootings

Serbia: 17 killed in two mass shootings

(VOVWORLD) - Serbia is currently going through challenging times as two mass shootings resulted in the deaths of 17 individuals and left several others injured
Vinh Phuc aims at sustainable agriculture

Vinh Phuc aims at sustainable agriculture

(VOVWORLD)-Vinh Phuc province has 19 traditional craft villages, 235 agricultural cooperatives, and several large-scale agricultural production areas. Local organizations and individuals are participating in the One Commune One Product ...