Rodeo - A symbol of the American Wild West

Rodeo - A symbol of the American Wild West

(VOVWORLD) - For a long time, the images of cowboys roaming freely on horseback on vast ranches have been popular in the Western United States. Once cattle herders, many cowboys nowadays have earned a...
Workers’ rights prioritized

Workers’ rights prioritized

(VOVWORLD) - Workers' Month 2024 will conclude on May 31. This annual campaign aims to assist governments, employers, and society in promoting the care and protection of the legal and legitimate rights and...
Productivity improved to narrow development gap

Productivity improved to narrow development gap

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh had a meeting with ministries and sectors last weekend to discuss ways to improve Vietnam's labor productivity. The Prime Minister emphasized that improving labor productivity...
Vietnam’s e-commerce thrives on Amazon

Vietnam’s e-commerce thrives on Amazon

(VOVWORLD) -The number of Vietnamese businesses recording sales of 1 million USD annually on Amazon is now 10 times higher compared to five years previously, according to a conference on cross-border...