TPP ministerial meeting opens in Singapore

TPP ministerial meeting opens in Singapore

(VOVworld) – Ministers from 12 countries involved in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations met in Singapore on Monday. The 12 TPP negotiators are Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru...
Protests against China’s oil rig underway

Protests against China’s oil rig underway

(VOVworld) – Meetings to protest China’s illegal placement of oil rig Haiyang-981 within Vietnam’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and continental shelf took place on Thursday at Ho Chi Minh City’s University...
Iran and P5+1 begin new round of talks

Iran and P5+1 begin new round of talks

(VOVworld) – Iran and the P5+1 on Wednesday began the fourth round of talks in Vienna, seeking a comprehensive agreement on Tehran’s nuclear program before July
Ukraine facing new challenges

Ukraine facing new challenges

(VOVworld) – A majority in Lugansk and Donetsk in eastern Ukraine voted for independence in a referendum late last week. The result has intensified Ukraine’s internal disagreement with a presidential...
Middle East peace process back to starting point

Middle East peace process back to starting point

(VOVworld) – The latest negotiation between Palestine and Israel on April 6 aimed at saving the Middle East peace process concluded without any breakthrough. The failure of the second US-mediated...
Russia, US at odds on Ukraine crisis

Russia, US at odds on Ukraine crisis

(VOVworld) – US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov failed to reach any agreement on the Ukraine crisis in their meeting in Paris on Sunday
Time fixed for presidential election in Egypt

Time fixed for presidential election in Egypt

(VOVworld) – The first presidential election in Egypt since President Mohamed Morsi was toppled last July will be held before July 17th to pave the way for a parliamentary election
US, Russia disagree over Ukraine’s crisis

US, Russia disagree over Ukraine’s crisis

(VOVworld) – The US and Russia are still in disagreement over finding a solution for Ukraine’s crisis with the Crimean autonomous planning to go ahead with a referendum to join...
Vietnam’s active participation in TPP negotiations

Vietnam’s active participation in TPP negotiations

(VOVworld) – Since the beginning of this year, Trade Ministers of countries involved in the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership (TPP) Agreement have met to resolve disagreements aiming to put the...
Syria: dying hope for peace negotiations

Syria: dying hope for peace negotiations

(VOVworld) – Analysts say failed Geneva peace negotiations have discouraged hope for a political breakthrough to end the 3-year civil war in Syria. They also predict that the impasse will...