An insight into French wine

An insight into French wine

(VOVWORLD) - Like baguette and cheese, wine is a major part of both French culture and of the image France has around the world. When you picture a French person in your...
World peace from anti-fascist war perspective

World peace from anti-fascist war perspective

(VOVWORLD) - On May 9, 1945, several days after the Italian fascists were defeated by the Allies, Germany’s fascists also surrendered. That event marked the complete collapse of fascism in Europe and...
Vietnam prepares for post-COVID-19 development stage

Vietnam prepares for post-COVID-19 development stage

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam is easing social distancing restrictions, seeking ways to live safely with the epidemic, and beginning to restore production and business to revive economic growth. The whole country is...
VOV celebrates World Radio Day

VOV celebrates World Radio Day

(VOVWORLD) - VOV and UNESCO celebrated this year’s World Radio Day, themed “Radio and Diversity” on Thursday at VOV’s headquarters in Hanoi