US-India relations rebooted

US-India relations rebooted

(VOVworld)- US Secretary of State John Kerry is on his first official visit to India since India’s new Prime Minister was elected. On Thursday, John Kerry and his Indian...
Wednesday, May 22, 2014

Wednesday, May 22, 2014

Well, not only in Hue, anywhere in Vietnam, you will have a chance to experience “diều sáo”- kite flying with flute singing. Kite flying is popular throughout the year, but especially in summer. Vietnamese people of...
Instability in East Asia in 2013

Instability in East Asia in 2013

(VOVworld) – Exchanges of words and military deployments posed a great threat to North East Asia in 2013. VOV comments on the territorial disputes in this region
Pakistan: protestors block NATO supply route

Pakistan: protestors block NATO supply route

(VOVworld) – Thousands of people blocked a NATO supply route in Peshawar, the capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in northwest Pakistan on Saturday to protest unmanned US air strikes. This is the main supply...
US - Pakistan relations grow tense

US - Pakistan relations grow tense

(VOVworld) - Relations between the US and Pakistan have become more strained after the head of the Pakistani Taliban was killed by a US drone strike on Friday
Obama sketches more targeted anti-terror plan

Obama sketches more targeted anti-terror plan

US President Barack Obama on Friday announced a new US counter-terrorism strategy involving tighter oversight of US unmanned drone strikes and shutting down the US detainee center at Guantanamo...
Anti-war protests in UK

Anti-war protests in UK

(VOVworld) – Hundreds of Britons have rallied in Lincolnshire, East England to protest over the Royal Air Force (RAF)’s use of drone aircraft in Afghanistan

US missile strike kills 4 militants in NW Pakistan

Pakistani intelligence officials say a U.S. drone has fired two missiles at a vehicle in northwest Pakistan, killing four suspected militants. The officials say the attack took place Saturday in the North Waziristan...
Libya arrests 50 after attack on US consulate

Libya arrests 50 after attack on US consulate

Libyan President Mohammed Magarief said on Sunday that about 50 people have been arrested in connection with the deadly attack on the US consulate in Benghazi last week, which he said was planned by...