Ninh Thuan, a land of unique values

Ninh Thuan, a land of unique values

(VOVWORLD) - Ninh Thuan province in the south central region is accessible by air, roads, railway, and sea. With warm and sunny weather all year round, rich agriculture, and about 100km of coastline with many...
Top 30 social impact businesses announced

Top 30 social impact businesses announced

(VOVWORLD) - Thirty outstanding social impact businesses (SIB) participating in the 2023 COVID-19 recovery program was announced on Thursday by the Agency for Enterprise Development under the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the...
Google program for Vietnamese startups, second season, launched

Google program for Vietnamese startups, second season, launched

(VOVWORLD) - Google, in cooperation with the Vietnam National Innovation Center (NIC), on Tuesday launched the second season of its training program for startups. Called "Google for Startups Accelerator, Southeast Asia: Vietnam", the program aims to support and accelerate...
How the world addresses population challenges

How the world addresses population challenges

(VOVWORLD) - Many countries are struggling to adapt to demographic trends and seize opportunities from population issues to generate a driving force for sustainable development. To mark this year's World Population Day...
Hai Phong city harvests FDI capital

Hai Phong city harvests FDI capital

(VOVWORLD) -In the first half of this year, Hai Phong city attracted nearly 2 billion USD from foreign direct investment (FDI), achieving 99% of the whole year plan, in which investment...