Information technology applied to boost tourism

Information technology applied to boost tourism

(VOVWORLD) - Information technology is being applied widely in our life, economy, and society. Vietnam's tourism industry has adopted specific strategies and projects to encourage IT application toward smart tourism
China, EU discuss climate change cooperation

China, EU discuss climate change cooperation

(VOVWORLD) - China attaches importance to protecting the ecosystem and environment, combating climate change, and continuously promoting green development and carbon emission reduction, said Chinese First Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang
Da Nang city works to improve its competitiveness

Da Nang city works to improve its competitiveness

(VOVWORLD) - Da Nang city ranks 9th of 63 provinces and cities for the 2022 Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI), dropping 5 places, according to the ranking by the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce...
Australia helps Vietnam’s innovation ecosystem

Australia helps Vietnam’s innovation ecosystem

(VOVWORLD) -The Vietnam-Australia Innovation Partnership Day was held by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Australian Embassy in Vietnam, and Australia's national science agency in Hanoi on...
Vietnam pushes up cashless transactions

Vietnam pushes up cashless transactions

(VOVWORLD) - Many targets on digital transformation in the banking sector have been met or surpassed, according a seminar on data connection and smart payment hosted by the State Bank of Vietnam...
By maintaining growth, PetroVietnam boosts national economy

By maintaining growth, PetroVietnam boosts national economy

(VOVWORLD) - In May, 2023 when the global and national economic situations were extremely difficult with record heat on a large scale causing electrical shortages and declines in production elsewhere in the world, the output and trade of Vietnam...
Vietnam aims at sustainable marine economy

Vietnam aims at sustainable marine economy

(VOVWORLD) - Adopted in 2018 at the 8th Plenum of the 12th Party Central Committee, Resolution 36 on the “Strategy for Sustainable Development of Vietnam's Marine Economy to 2030, with a...
Vietnam steps up FDI attraction

Vietnam steps up FDI attraction

(VOVWORLD) -Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows are forecast to decrease this year, but FDI need for post-COVID-19 recovery and development is on the rise, forcing developing countries to compete fiercely...