CTOptimal creates Make-in-Vietnam specialized AI products

CTOptimal creates Make-in-Vietnam specialized AI products

(VOVWORLD) - CTOptimal, a member of CT Group, introduced three specialized AI products in healthcare, logistics, and UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) at the Vietnam Digital Technology Exhibition last month. These products are made...
FPT Telecom and its impressive technology products

FPT Telecom and its impressive technology products

(VOVWORLD) - FPT Telecom is one of 10 outstanding digital technology enterprises in Vietnam. In April five of its technology products were voted as “Excellent solutions from Vietnam’s software and IT industry” at the...
Digital transformation - important premise to realize Party resolution

Digital transformation - important premise to realize Party resolution

(VOVWORLD) - The Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress identifies three strategic breakthroughs for national development. One of them is developing infrastructure for information and telecommunications to create a foundation for national digital transformation, heading to...
Texting program pays gratitude to war martyrs

Texting program pays gratitude to war martyrs

(VOVWORLD) - A program of sending text messages to 1400 to show gratitude to war martyrs has been implemented over the past 11 years by the Association to Support Vietnam Martyrs' Families, the Vietnam Red...