Vanguard Bank is not a disputed zone: experts

Vanguard Bank is not a disputed zone: experts

(VOVWORLD) - The Vanguard Bank, which China is trying to turn into a disputed zone, belongs entirely to Vietnam, experts said at a symposium called “The Vanguard Bank and International Law”...
Wednesday October 2, 2019

Wednesday October 2, 2019

(VOVWORLD) - Welcome to the Letter Box, our weekly feature dedicated to our listeners around the world
Vietnam urges Spain to adopt EVFTA, IPA

Vietnam urges Spain to adopt EVFTA, IPA

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam has asked the Spanish government and parliament to back the ratification of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement and the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement at the European...
China’s illegal activities in East Sea denounced

China’s illegal activities in East Sea denounced

(VOVWORLD) - There has been widespread international condemnation of China’s illegal activities in the Tu Chinh reef, internationally known as Vanguard Bank, in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in...