Experiencing a true Britain in Hanoi

Experiencing a true Britain in Hanoi

(VOVWORLD) - It’s true to say that the weather in Hanoi was not as hot as the atmosphere of the UK Festival 2023 at the weekend. The locals in Hanoi...
Youth volunteer programs embrace great values

Youth volunteer programs embrace great values

(VOVWORLD) - Youth volunteer programs have delivered significant values to the public, said President Vo Van Thuong at a meeting with young volunteers in HCM City on Wednesday. President Thuong said...
Ruin pubs – the soul of Budapest nightlife

Ruin pubs – the soul of Budapest nightlife

(VOVWORLD) - Budapest, the capital of Hungary, seamlessly combines its past and present, exemplified by Buda and Pest, the two distinctive halves of the city separated by the Danube River. While Buda offers a tranquil and somewhat...
Young people opt for late marriage: happy or lonely?

Young people opt for late marriage: happy or lonely?

(VOVWORLD) - The belief that getting married and having children brings the necessary stability of “settling down” was widely embraced by previous generations in Vietnam. Marriage was viewed as a primary life goal, along with acquiring a...
Localities race against time as typhoon Talim rages

Localities race against time as typhoon Talim rages

(VOVWORLD) -Typhoon Talim, the first typhoon to hit Vietnam this year, is advancing toward the area between Vietnam’s Quang Ninh province and China’s Dongxing province. The typhoon will have widespread impact. 100...