Turkey wants to join BRICS

Turkey wants to join BRICS

(VOVWORLD) - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called on leaders of BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) to allow Turkey’s accession to the group
Cuba starts historic transition

Cuba starts historic transition

(VOVWORLD) - Cuba has started a historic transition in which President Raul Castro will step down and hand over his power to a younger successor meaning that for the first time...
Wednesday March 7, 2018

Wednesday March 7, 2018

(VOVWORLD) -We are glad to know that our listeners have just received New Year calendars and greeting cards from VOV, although it’s March now. There are many factors...
Western Balkans summit begins in Italy

Western Balkans summit begins in Italy

(VOVWORLD) - Leaders from the European Union and the six Western Balkan nations came together for a summit in Trieste, Italy, on Wednesday to exchange ideas on how to step up...
Montenegro becomes NATO’s 29th member

Montenegro becomes NATO’s 29th member

(VOVWORLD) - Montenegro officially joined NATO Monday amid worries about US President Donald Trump’s ambiguous commitment to the alliance’s collective defense pledge
Web attacks knock out top sites

Web attacks knock out top sites

(VOVworld)-Twitter, Spotify, Reddit, Soundcloud, PayPal and several other sites have been affected by three web attacks. All the firms are customers of a company called Dyn, which they use...
Tension rises between Turkey and Austria

Tension rises between Turkey and Austria

(VOVworld) - Turkey summoned Austria’s charge d’affaires in Ankara over what it said was an “indecent report” about Turkey on a news ticker at Vienna airport, a Foreign Ministry...
Afghanistan becomes a member of WTO

Afghanistan becomes a member of WTO

The world Trade Organization (WTO) on Thursday formally approved Afghanistan's membership at its 10th ministerial conference in the Kenyan capital Nairobi