Cyprus on the edge of bankruptcy

Cyprus on the edge of bankruptcy

The Cypriot economy is in a fragile state, says its biggest bank, so the country needs European emergency support to avoid bankruptcy
Eurozone risks new crisis

Eurozone risks new crisis

(VOVworld) – The political impasse following Italy’s election has raised fears of a continuous debt crisis not only in Italy but in neighboring countries. The election was seen as...
Gloom overshadows euro finance ministers meeting

Gloom overshadows euro finance ministers meeting

Eurozone finance ministers will meet Monday in Brussels, against the backdrop of a weak economy and increased political uncertainty after an election inconclusive in Italy, the group's third largest...
UK – EU unstable future relation

UK – EU unstable future relation

(VOVworld) – British Prime Minister David Cameron officially announced the future relation between the UK and EU in his speech in London on Wednesday. Accordingly, the UK will hold a referendum on...
Eurozone manufacturing weakness continues

Eurozone manufacturing weakness continues

Europe’s manufacturing sector entered 2013 in a mostly downbeat fashion as new data revealed there had been no significant improvement in the weak level of output and orders
Top 10 world events 2012  selected by VOV

Top 10 world events 2012 selected by VOV

1. 2012- A year of elections and power transitions Russia witnessed a Presidential power transition between Vladimir Putin and Dimitry Medvedev: Putin became Russian President after the Presidential election on March...
Austerity protests sweep Eurozone

Austerity protests sweep Eurozone

(VOVworld) – EU members’ trade unions on Wednesday launched fresh protest against the widespread austerity measures which have been considered the cause of European deeper sinking into economic recession
Bad omens for Europe’s public debt crisis

Bad omens for Europe’s public debt crisis

(VOVworld) – Negative information on the ongoing debt crisis in the Eurozone has made the headlines worldwide. This means the crisis has become worse than expected. VOV’s editor Hong Van analyzes...
Eurozone crisis spreads to German

Eurozone crisis spreads to German

(VOVworld)- Latest macro economic indexes show that the public debt crisis in the Eurozone region has spread to Germany, according to the Le Figaro newspaper of France
ASEM 9: golden opportunities for cooperation

ASEM 9: golden opportunities for cooperation

(VOVworld) – The ninth Asia – Europe Meeting (ASEM) in Vientiane took place with the world reeling from economic crisis, troubling climate change, food insecurity, and exploding religious conflicts. Consequently, the conference sought cooperation and...
European Council President to visit Vietnam

European Council President to visit Vietnam

(VOVworld) - President of the European Council (EC) Herman Van Rompuy and his wife will pay an official visit to Vietnam next week at the invitation of President Truong Tan Sang