Greece meets April IMF payment

Greece meets April IMF payment

(VOVworld) – On Thursday Greece made a 495 million USD loan payment to the IMF, on scheduled according to a recent commitment
German-Greek relations: concurrent challenges

German-Greek relations: concurrent challenges

(VOVworld) – During the Greek Prime Minister’s first visit to Germany since he took office, Alexis Tsipras and German Chancellor Angela Merkel discussed Greece’s debt crisis and measures to boost bilateral...
EU Summit: Split due to Ukraine’s crisis

EU Summit: Split due to Ukraine’s crisis

(VOVworld)- Opened on Thursday in Brussels, the EU Summit focused on ways to deal with the escalation of tension in Ukraine, the extension of sanctions against Russia and military aid to...
Greece faces numerous challenges

Greece faces numerous challenges

(VOVworld)- Eurozone finance ministers have approved reform proposals submitted by Greece in order to obtain a four-month extension of its bailout. The extension will help Greece avoid bankruptcy but at...
Greece optimistic about new deal with EU

Greece optimistic about new deal with EU

(VOVworld) – Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on Monday he is optimistic about reaching compromise with European partners on Greece’s massive international bailout
Greece’s new prime minister visits Europe

Greece’s new prime minister visits Europe

(VOVworld) – Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras arrived in the Republic of Cyprus, starting his trip to several European countries lobbying for a write-off of Greece’s foreign debt
Greece’s new cabinet line-up announced

Greece’s new cabinet line-up announced

(VOVworld) – Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has announced his new cabinet with Yanis Varoufakis as Finance Minister and Panos Kammenos as Defence Minister
Greek election result: Good or bad news?

Greek election result: Good or bad news?

(VOVworld)-Alexis Tsipras, leader of Greece’s Syriza anti-austerity party, was sworn in as Prime Minister after his party won the early Parliamentary election on January 25th. This was the...
IMF downgrades global growth forecast

IMF downgrades global growth forecast

(VOVworld) – The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has lowered its forecast for global economic growth for this year and next year. The IMF now expects growth of 3.5 per cent this...
UK, Germany table EU reform

UK, Germany table EU reform

(VOVworld) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel has praised the UK as Germany’s important ally in pushing EU reform and free trade agreements, adding that she wants the UK in a ...