Neu - Tet bamboo pole

Neu - Tet bamboo pole

(VOVworld) - Vietnamese people have a custom of erecting a bamboo pole, known as a Neu tree, in front of their house on the last day of the lunar year to expel evils...
Vietnam develops steadily during the renewal process

Vietnam develops steadily during the renewal process

(VOVworld) – Vietnam has progressed steadily during socialist construction, national defense, and 30 years of renewal. Achievements of the renewal process and future orientations were discussed at the 10th plenum of...
Phat Diem Cathedral

Phat Diem Cathedral

(VOVworld) – Covering nearly 22 ha in Kim Son district, Ninh Binh province, Phat Diem Cathedral is a popular destination. Built in the 19th century, it differs from other monuments because of...
Mother Goddess Worshipping Ritual

Mother Goddess Worshipping Ritual

(VOVworld)- The ritual of worshipping the Mother Goddess has been associated with Vietnamese people’s spiritual life for thousands of years. It originated in Vietnamese people’s struggle against severe weather, oppression...
Wednesday, July 30 2014

Wednesday, July 30 2014

The oldest university in Vietnam is also known as the Temple of Literature, which is about 2km west of Hoan Kiem Lake in downtown Hanoi. The Temple of Literature is a rare example...
Dan Bau- Vietnamese monochord

Dan Bau- Vietnamese monochord

(VOVworld)- Vietnamese people have a saying “Being a woman, you shouldn’t listen to the monochord” because the instrument produces a sad sound which implies the sadness of a woman’s...
Wednesday, July 16 2014

Wednesday, July 16 2014

A: So far, there aren’t any apple cider factories in Vietnam, but there are about 45 microbreweries in Vietnam, whereof 35 are making Czech inspired beer and the other 10 are...
Challenges facing UN reform

Challenges facing UN reform

(VOVworld)- The United Nations, the world’s biggest organization, was founded on October 24, 1945, with the aim of preventing wars and conflicts, and maintaining world peace and security. Over the...