Greece to be removed from EU deficit blacklist

Greece to be removed from EU deficit blacklist

(VOVWORLD) - The European Commission on Wednesday recommended closing the Excessive Deficit Procedure for Greece, saying the three- times bailed-out country has made substantial efforts in recent years to consolidate...
IFS: “Brexit” could extend UK austerity

IFS: “Brexit” could extend UK austerity

(VOVworld) - The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has warned that leaving the European Union (Brexit) would force the UK to extend austerity measures by up to two years to avoid...
Brazil’s political turmoil and economic recession

Brazil’s political turmoil and economic recession

(VOVworld) - Brazil's Senate is debating whether President Dilma Rousseff should face a full impeachment trial on charges of illegally manipulating finances to hide a growing public deficit ahead of her...
Nations pledge closer cooperation in tackling terrorism

Nations pledge closer cooperation in tackling terrorism

(VOVworld) - Police, politicians and intelligence officials from more than 50 countries pledged Monday in The Hague to intensify the fight against violent extremism by cooperating more closely in tracking foreign fighters...
Female scientists bring light for patients

Female scientists bring light for patients

(VOVworld) – The Kovalevskaia Science Award 2014 was granted to an individual and a group of 16 female scientists led by Associate Professor Nguyen Thi Binh for their excellent achievements in applied science....
ASEAN boosts flora and fauna protection

ASEAN boosts flora and fauna protection

(VOVworld) – The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development organized a workshop on an ASEAN enforcement network to protect endangered flora and fauna in Hanoi on Tuesday