Young people opt for late marriage: happy or lonely?

Young people opt for late marriage: happy or lonely?

(VOVWORLD) - The belief that getting married and having children brings the necessary stability of “settling down” was widely embraced by previous generations in Vietnam. Marriage was viewed as a primary life goal, along with acquiring a...
Boris Johnson quits as UK prime minister

Boris Johnson quits as UK prime minister

(VOVWORLD) - Boris Johnson announced on Thursday he would quit as British prime minister after he dramatically lost the support of his ministers and most Conservative lawmakers, but said he would...
EU divided by treaty change

EU divided by treaty change

(VOVWORLD) - European Union citizens would like the 27-nation bloc to become fairer, show greater solidarity, lead the fight against climate change, and make swifter decisions, even if it means scrapping...
Farmers in Bac Kan sell their products online

Farmers in Bac Kan sell their products online

(VOVWORLD) - More and more household economic models and cooperatives in Bac Kan province are led by ethnic women, who are using new technologies to introduce their farm produce to consumers...
COVID-19's orphans - pandemic's hidden toll

COVID-19's orphans - pandemic's hidden toll

(VOVWORLD) - In Ho Chi Minh City alone, more than 1,500 students attending local schools have lost their parents in the past few months. The figure is undoubtedly much higher if you include...