200,000 Vietnamese citizens flown home from abroad

200,000 Vietnamese citizens flown home from abroad

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnamese authorities have worked closely with domestic and foreign airlines to conduct more than 800 flights to bring home approximately 200,000 Vietnamese citizens from 60 countries and territories during...
Lodestar for Vietnam’s oil and gas sector

Lodestar for Vietnam’s oil and gas sector

(VOVWORLD) - The lodestar throughout the development of Vietnam’s oil and gas sector and the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam) in particular is the prompt orientations, directions, and decisions of the Party...
Vietnam localities brace for new storm

Vietnam localities brace for new storm

(VOVWORLD) - Typhoon Lionrock has landed in provinces from Hai Phong to Nam Dinh and weakened into a tropical low pressure. After Lionrock, another typhoon named Kompasu is approaching the East Sea....
Digital transformation to optimize banking activities

Digital transformation to optimize banking activities

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese Government identified building an e-Government towards a digital government, a digital society, and a digital economy as one of its top priorities toward a comprehensive digital transformation until 2030. As...