New Year festivals bustle

New Year festivals bustle

(VOVworld)- Vietnamese people usually attend festivals and visit pagodas to pray for good luck after the Tet holiday. Many travel companies have introduced attractive pilgrimage and festival tours
Vietnam tourism in 2012

Vietnam tourism in 2012

(VOVworld)-Despite economic difficulties, the Vietnamese tourism sector saw significant achievements last year, with foreign tourists totaling 6.8 million, up 14% from the previous year. In 2012, several...
Preservation of Central Highlands gong culture

Preservation of Central Highlands gong culture

(VOVworld) - Vietnam has made an effort to preserve the Gong culture of the Central Highlands, recognized by UNESCO as an intangible world cultural heritage. Gong performances entertain tourists while promoting...
Tay Nguyen Epics

Tay Nguyen Epics

(VOVworld) - Vietnam’s Central Highlands region is home to magnificent forests and several ethnic minority groups including M’Nong, Ede, Bana and Jarai. This is a mysterious and rich cultural land, which is famous...
Kho Mu ethnic minority’s folklore art troupe

Kho Mu ethnic minority’s folklore art troupe

(VOVworld) – Over the past 2 years, a Danish fund to support ethnic culture in Vietnam has contributed significantly to revitalizing and developing traditional art performances of Kho Mu ethnic people in the...
Quang Nam brings folklore arts closer to public

Quang Nam brings folklore arts closer to public

(VOVworld) The central province of Quang Nam has been successful in bringing traditional folklore arts closer to the public. Visitors to the ancient town of Hoi An will be amazed with traditional...
People welcome Spring nationwide

People welcome Spring nationwide

Vietnamese people nationwide are celebrating the Lunar New Year jubilantly. At the Spring Flower Festival in Tao Dan Garden in Ho Chi Minh City , a large number of visitors took the...