Happy farmers in Binh Khe

Happy farmers in Binh Khe

(VOVWORLD) - Quang Ninh province’s goal is to comprehensively improve the material and spiritual life of farmers and rural residents in accordance with the happiness criteria of the national target program on building new...
2023 Youth Journey for national sea and islands

2023 Youth Journey for national sea and islands

(VOVWORLD) -Outstanding Youth Union members, young entrepreneurs, young doctors, young officials, and young journalists who have actively participated in social activities are taking part in the 2023 Youth Journey for...
Activities marking Workers’ Month underway

Activities marking Workers’ Month underway

(VOVWORLD) - This year’s Worker’s Month is being celebrated with the theme “Connecting workers- Building organization.” To mark the occasion, cities and provinces nationwide and trade unions are organizing...
Wednesday April 19, 2023

Wednesday April 19, 2023

(VOVWORLD) - Lotus flowers have an important place in the Vietnamese spirit and culture. Vietnamese people consider the lotus a symbol of beauty overcoming darkness. Lotus symbolizes purity, serenity, commitment, and...
Children's book sales up after pandemic

Children's book sales up after pandemic

(VOVWORLD) -Books for children are an important market segment for publishing houses and printing companies. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, publishing sales has risen as parents and teachers promote reading...
Hanoians treated to French cuisine and culture

Hanoians treated to French cuisine and culture

(VOVWORLD) -The "Vietnamese colors" and French cuisine festival “Balade en France” (Walk in France) was jointly opened on Friday evening by the Hanoi Municipal People’s Committee and the French Embassy...