US faces new challenges

US faces new challenges

(VOVworld) - The US was shocked by a twin bombing in Copley square in the centre of Boston city, where tens of thousands of people and athletes from 96 countries were attending a marathon...
Seminar looks back at Paris Peace Accords

Seminar looks back at Paris Peace Accords

(VOVworld) - Scientists from France and Germany, and the US’ Harvard University gathered in Hanoi on Thursday at a seminar to review the 40 years since the 1973 Paris Peace Accords
Seminar looks back at Paris Peace Accords

Seminar looks back at Paris Peace Accords

(VOVworld) - Scientists from France and Germany, and the US’ Harvard University gathered in Hanoi on Thursday at a seminar to review the 40 years since the 1973 Paris Peace Accords. Participants included former...
Deputy PM Vu Van Ninh visits the US

Deputy PM Vu Van Ninh visits the US

(VOVworld) Deputy Prime Minister Vu Van Ninh on Tuesday headed to the US to take part in the Vietnam Executive Leadership Program (VELP) at Harvard University