Lavash bread, the symbol of Armenian cuisine

Lavash bread, the symbol of Armenian cuisine

(VOVWORLD) - The paper-thin, blanket-sized bread called lavash has long been considered a fundamental element of Armenians’ diet. It is one of the most ancient breads still being made today. Lavash...
Fiscal policies in place to boost economic growth

Fiscal policies in place to boost economic growth

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam is exerting efforts to quickly recover its economy, in both the macro and the micro scale. Since the beginning of this year, new policies have been adopted to remove bottlenecks...
Government leaders of Vietnam, China hold phone talks

Government leaders of Vietnam, China hold phone talks

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh talked over the phone with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Thursday, on the occasion of the 72nd founding anniversary of the two countries’ diplomatic ties (January 18,...
Live music from kids to kids

Live music from kids to kids

(VOVWORLD) - Physical distancing is a responsible way to protect ourselves and others during the COVID pandemic, but it can be hard on young children who should be exploring the world around them and connecting with their...