Wednesday November 12, 2014

Wednesday November 12, 2014

(VOVworld) - This week we received letters from several listeners who haven’t written to us for quite a long time. Stephen Hogan sent us a warm spring greeting from the town...
Discovering Hanoi’s architecture

Discovering Hanoi’s architecture

(VOVworld) – A book called “The old ironworks” by painter researcher Tran Hau Yen The has breathed new life into the research of Hanoi’s architecture. It has won the 7th...
If I were an ordinary Chinese citizen

If I were an ordinary Chinese citizen

(VOVworld) – China’s illegal placement of oilrig Haiyang 981 in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone has become a hot international topic and sparked a wave of protests in Vietnam and around...
Wednesday March 5, 2014

Wednesday March 5, 2014

(VOVworld) - Ashik Eqbal Tokon of Bangladesh shared his feelings after viewing VOV’s photo reportage of Long Bien bridge in Hanoi:“While walking on the bridge, I see many villagers and hawkers opening their shops beside the path. Fresh...
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

(VOVworld) - Shortwave isn’t just for developing countries. A lot of our listeners in European countries and the US are still committed to shortwave broadcast to learn about other parts of...
Đồng dao – children’s folk songs

Đồng dao – children’s folk songs

(VOVworld) - Đồng dao – children’s folk songs – are simple folk verses created long ago by unknown authors and passed orally from generation to generation. The lyrics are plain, often incoherent or illogical verses...
Vietnam Summer Camp 2013 opens

Vietnam Summer Camp 2013 opens

(VOVworld) – The Vietnam Summer Camp 2013 under the theme “10 years-the call of the homeland” kicked off in the northern province of Ha Giang on Sunday
Hoi An welcomes Quang Nam Heritage Festival 2013

Hoi An welcomes Quang Nam Heritage Festival 2013

(VOVworld)-Conference “Meeting localities and diplomatic corps” took palce in Hoi An ancient city today/ on Saturday as part of the 5th Quang Nam Heritage Festival 2013. The event attracted the participation of nearly...
January 23, 2013

January 23, 2013

As usual many of the letters and emails sent to us are questions about Vietnam. This week, Ratan Kumar Paul, a teacher and coordinator of the South Asia CRI DXER forum in...
Vietnam’s betel and areca culture honored

Vietnam’s betel and areca culture honored

(VOVworld) – The custom of chewing betel and areca nut is one of Vietnamese people's fine traditional cultural features in the past. Areca splitting knife, pots of slaked lime, cylindrical lime holders...
Affection under Buddha’s gate

Affection under Buddha’s gate

(VOVworld) - Since Monk Thích Chúc Tiếp became the Head of Huống Pagoda in Đồng Hỷ district, Thai Nguyen province, 3 years ago, he has made the pagoda a shelter for homeless...
Music of the August Revolution

Music of the August Revolution

(VOVworld)-The 1945 August Revolution was an important milestone in Vietnamese history and opened a new page in Vietnam’s musical history, too. During this period, songwriters and musicians who were revolutionary activists...
My Son Sanctuary

My Son Sanctuary

(VOVworld) – The blazing heat of May can’t deter visitors to My Son Sanctuary in the central province of Quang Nam. The complex is now just an expanse of ruins, with...