Free diving in Amed, Bali

Free diving in Amed, Bali

(VOVWORLD) -Amed is an underrated and hidden gem on the east coast of Bali, Indonesia. It’s an area developing for tourism while holding on to tradition. It is slowly becoming known as a destination for backpackers...
For the cause of people’s health

For the cause of people’s health

(VOVWORLD) - February 27 this year marks the 68th anniversary of Vietnam Physicians’ Day, a day to honor doctors, nurses and other medical workers. Over the past 68 years, generations...
Meticulous preparation made for NA meeting

Meticulous preparation made for NA meeting

(VOVWORLD) - Nearly 500 National Assembly deputies began their year-end session on Thursday. They expressed their high sense of responsibility ahead of important matters to be discussed
Launch of “The Spotify Play” in Vietnamese

Launch of “The Spotify Play” in Vietnamese

(VOVWORLD) - “The Spotify Play” is written by Swedish investigative tech journalists Sven Carlsson and Jonas Leijonhufvud. If you want to know how Spotify’s CEO and co-founder Daniel Ek beat Apple,...