​Economic diplomacy serves national development

​Economic diplomacy serves national development

(VOVWORLD) - As the global economy is facing many difficulties and challenges, Vietnam insists on promoting economic diplomacy to deepen the relationship between Vietnam and its partners toward stability and sustainability....
Vietnamese family values promoted

Vietnamese family values promoted

(VOVWORLD) - The annual Vietnam Family Day is observed on June 28th. Themed “Happy families – Prosperous nation”, this year’s Vietnam Family Day highlights family happiness and national prosperity. To celebrate Vietnam Family Day...
Literature and art development in the new period

Literature and art development in the new period

(VOVWORLD) - The Party Politburo’s Resolution 23 on literature and art development in the new period has contributed to the spiritual foundation and comprehensive development of the Vietnamese people. The...
Historic milestones in national development

Historic milestones in national development

(VOVWORLD) - April 30, 1975, was a profoundly significant day for the Vietnamese people. On that day, the country was reunified and entered a new era of peace and national construction,...
Intellectuals contribute to national advancement

Intellectuals contribute to national advancement

(VOVWORLD) - "In every era and every country, intellectuals always form an important force to promote national development", said Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong at a ceremony to mark 60 years since President Ho Chi...
Vietnam and Kazakhstan seek ways to boost trade

Vietnam and Kazakhstan seek ways to boost trade

(VOVWORLD) - Since the launch of the free trade agreement between Vietnam and the Eurasian Economic Union in 2016, bilateral trade between Vietnam and Kazakhstan has been on a steady rise. In the first half of last year, it rose...