World public: Vietnam a bright star in the region

World public: Vietnam a bright star in the region

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam is the brightest star in the region, a new Asian tiger, and Vietnam’s economy is recovering quickly and has positive prospects in the medium-term, according to foreign media...
OCOP production changes rural economies

OCOP production changes rural economies

(VOVWORLD) - "One Commune One Product" (OCOP) is an economic development program in rural areas to promote internal resources and increase product values. Launched nationwide in 2018, the program aims to develop production and trading...
Build modern agriculture, civilized rural areas, PM says

Build modern agriculture, civilized rural areas, PM says

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh held a dialogue with farmers nationwide on Sunday to discuss ways to develop a modern agriculture and civilized rural areas. At the meeting, farmers, cooperatives, businesses, and...
Elite youngsters motivated to become Party members

Elite youngsters motivated to become Party members

(VOVWORLD) - Resolution 25 of the 10th Party Central Committee on “Strengthening the leadership of the Party on youth affairs during a period of accelerated industrialization and modernization” is set to have at least...
Lodestar for Vietnam’s oil and gas sector

Lodestar for Vietnam’s oil and gas sector

(VOVWORLD) - The lodestar throughout the development of Vietnam’s oil and gas sector and the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam) in particular is the prompt orientations, directions, and decisions of the Party...