Inventor of karaoke passes away at 100

Inventor of karaoke passes away at 100

(VOVWORLD) -The creator of the karaoke machine, Shigeichi Negishi, passed away at the age of 100 on January 26, but only now has Japanese and international media reported it
Love melodies echo on Ha Giang karst plateau

Love melodies echo on Ha Giang karst plateau

(VOVWORLD)-The Mong ethnic people in the northern mountainous province of Ha Giang gracefully cherish their rich cultural values, including a traditional call-and-response singing. The melodies are often...
Dance The Night Away with Brazilian Zouk

Dance The Night Away with Brazilian Zouk

(VOVWORLD) - It is no surprise that Brazilians love to dance, and they are exceptionally good at it. This is evidenced by the fact that Brazil is home to many popular dances like Samba or Lambada. While these...
US climate envoy John Kerry to leave his post

US climate envoy John Kerry to leave his post

(VOVWORLD) -US veteran politician John Kerry will leave his post as President Joe Biden’s special climate envoy later this winter but will help Biden's re-election campaign, his...
2024: A year to restore trust and inspire hope

2024: A year to restore trust and inspire hope

(VOVWORLD) - In their New Year messages, world leaders emphasized the urgency of countries and communities reviving hope and trust in each other, sharing the world in stability and development, and...
Ashiq, a syncretic art form of Azerbaijan

Ashiq, a syncretic art form of Azerbaijan

(VOVWORLD) - Azerbaijan has had, to date, 19 Intangible Cultural Heritages of Humanity recognized by UNESCO. One of themp is the art of ashiq, which was recognized in 2009....
The guardian of Bru-Van Kieu ethnic culture

The guardian of Bru-Van Kieu ethnic culture

(VOVWORLD) - Preserving cultural values and traditions for future generations is a great concern of many people of the Bru-Van Kieu ethnic minority. Ho Cho, who lives in Huong Hoa district,...