Linking domestic and FDI enterprises

Linking domestic and FDI enterprises

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese government aims to create an open, transparent business environment to enable the national economy to participate in regional and global value chains and ensure even development between...
Ensuring effective support for SMEs

Ensuring effective support for SMEs

(VOVWORLD) - The Bill on Support for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME) is expected to be approved at the on-going National Assembly. It’s an important law for national economic...
Cyber attacks increase globally

Cyber attacks increase globally

(VOVWORLD) - On May 17, cyber security firm Proofpoint said another large-scale cyber attack is underway on a scale that could dwarf last week’s assault on computers worldwide. The new attack...
Homeschooling in Vietnam

Homeschooling in Vietnam

(VOVworld) - Homeschooling, already popular in many Western countries, is becoming accepted in Vietnam. Let’s follow VOV reporter Thanh Ha to visit 4-and-a-half-year-old Tue Lam...
Wednesday November 16, 2016

Wednesday November 16, 2016

(VOVworld) - We’re very happy to welcome 3 new listeners this week. First is Jose Socorro Soeiro Maranhao, a listener from Brazil. He has been a loyal listener to VOV’s...
EU summit faces challenges

EU summit faces challenges

(VOVworld) – The EU summit is being held on Thursday to Friday in Brussels, Belgium. High on the agenda are immigration, commercial policies, and diplomatic relations with Russia
EU-Canada free trade agreement in trouble

EU-Canada free trade agreement in trouble

(VOVworld) – 3 days after the parliament of the French Community of Belgium rejected the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada, thousands of Europeans took to the street to...
China releases white book on PCA ruling

China releases white book on PCA ruling

(VOVworld)- China on Tuesday rejected an international ruling on the East Sea, which went in favour of the Philippines, as “null and void” and devoid of any “binding force”
Wednesday March 9, 2016

Wednesday March 9, 2016

(VOVworld) - The fever of spring and Tet, the Vnese Lunar New Year, has arrived. From February to April, Hanoi is humid and wet with frequent drizzles. The temperature ranges from 15...
Tan A Senh: an escape from poverty

Tan A Senh: an escape from poverty

(VOVworld) – Born into a poor Dao ethnic family in Seng Lang hamlet, Ta Phin commune, Lai Chau province, Tan A Senh applied for bank loans to raise cattle and develop his brick...
Binh Thuan supports fishermen

Binh Thuan supports fishermen

(VOVworld) – Binh Thuan leads the country in loaning capital to fishermen to build or revamp vessels pursuant to a government resolution on fisheries development policies (Resolution 67). Thanks to these loans...
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A: We’d like to welcome back to our broadcasts Mr. James Camilli of the US. In a letter to VOV this week, James wrote: “I’m a long listener...
Vietnam records no MERS cases

Vietnam records no MERS cases

(VOVworld) – The Preventive Medicine Department warned Friday about the high risk of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) into Vietnam, especially when Thailand had recently recorded the first...