IPU 132 engages in resolution on cyber security

IPU 132 engages in resolution on cyber security

(VOVworld) - The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Committee on Peace and International Security gathered in Hanoi on Monday to finalize a draft resolution on cyber warfare, which has become a serious...
International law and national sovereignty

International law and national sovereignty

(VOVworld) – The Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights convened on Tuesday as part of the 132nd General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU 132) in Hanoi. Parliamentarians adopted a resolution...
IPU 132 opens

IPU 132 opens

(VOVworld) – The 132nd General Assembly of the Inter-parliamentary Union (IPU 132) opened in Hanoi on Saturday
State President receives IPU executive committee

State President receives IPU executive committee

(VOVworld) – On Saturday President Truong Tan Sang hosted a reception for members of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) executive committee who are in Hanoi to attend the 132nd IPU Assembly (IPU...
IPU President praises Vietnam’s preparations

IPU President praises Vietnam’s preparations

(VOVworld) –IPU President Saber Chowdhury has spoken highly of Vietnam’s preparations for the international parliamentary event which is expected to welcome thousands of international delegates