Syrian army regains control of Hasakeh city

Syrian army regains control of Hasakeh city

(VOVworld) – On Tuesday, Syrian troops and Kurdish fighters ousted the Islamic State (IS) from the city of Hasakeh in northeast Syria, more than a month after the jihadists took control...
Greece criticizes EU policy toward Russia

Greece criticizes EU policy toward Russia

(VOVworld) – Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias has criticized the EU’s policy toward Russia in the Ukrainian crisis. Kotzias said he didn’t find any separatists in Ukraine have conducted...
Combating terrorism: a joint task

Combating terrorism: a joint task

(VOVworld) - Growing terrorism has triggered expanding anti-terrorism efforts. But defeating terrorism is a long-term project which will require the cooperation of many countries
Obama asks US Congress to authorise war against IS

Obama asks US Congress to authorise war against IS

(VOVworld) – On Wednesday US President Barack Obama sent Congress his long-awaited formal request to authorise military force against the Islamic State, calling the IS a threat to the people and stability of...