Tunisia eliminates an IS logistics supplier

Tunisia eliminates an IS logistics supplier

(VOVworld) - A 12-member terrorist network with links to IS has been eliminated by Tunisian National Guards and local security forces, said Tunisia’s Interior Ministry on Thursday
Turning point in anti-IS fight in Syria

Turning point in anti-IS fight in Syria

(VOVworld) – The Syrian army’s recent victories on the ground have created a turning point in the war against IS in Syria. Government forces have retaken a number of key areas...
Four arrested in Paris for terror plot

Four arrested in Paris for terror plot

(VOVworld) – Four suspected jihadists were arrested in Paris on Wednesday. Belgium is on high alert after a police raid in Brussels tied to the Paris massacre last November
US tightens visa-waiver program

US tightens visa-waiver program

(VOVworld) – The Obama administration on Thursday added Libya, Somalia, and Yemen to a list of countries whose visitors will have a tougher time entering the US, a step to combat...
Blocking financial resources: an anti-terrorism strategy

Blocking financial resources: an anti-terrorism strategy

(VOVworld) – Operations against the self-proclaimed Islamic State and other terrorist and extremist groups have intensified and enlisted more countries. Besides airstrikes and ground attacks, blocking IS’s multiple revenue...
IS claims bloody attacks on Yemen army

IS claims bloody attacks on Yemen army

(VOVworld) - The jihadist Islamic State group claimed responsibility for attacks on the army in southeast Yemen on Friday, after the military had blamed Al-Qaeda for the assaults that cost...
The IS executes Chinese and Norwegian hostages

The IS executes Chinese and Norwegian hostages

(VOVworld) - The Islamic State group said Wednesday it had killed two hostages, one Chinese and a Norwegian. The jihadists' English-language Dabiq magazine featured photos of two bodies with the caption “Executed”....
Hunting terrorists behind Paris attacks

Hunting terrorists behind Paris attacks

(VOVworld) – Countries are collaborating in the hunt for individuals behind the terrorist attacks in Paris and airstrikes targeting the Islamic State have been intensified in Iraq and Syria
Turkey’s post-election challenges

Turkey’s post-election challenges

(VOVworld) – The Justice and Development Party (AKP) of President Tayyip Erdogan has won Turkey’s parliamentary election. Observers say the election result reflects Turkish voters’ faith that the ruling Party...