Hang pagoda on Ly Son island

Hang pagoda on Ly Son island

(VOVWORLD) - Ly Son is one of the most beautiful islands in Quang Ngai province. Blessed by nature, the island has several scenic spots. In this week’s Discovery Vietnam, we...
Onion and garlic farming on Ly Son Island

Onion and garlic farming on Ly Son Island

(VOVworld) – Surrounded by sea and plagued with severe weather, Lý Sơn Island in Quang Ngai province does enjoy certain advantages – like delicious onions and garlic. Though small, they have an incomparable...
Jellyfish exploitation in Co To Island

Jellyfish exploitation in Co To Island

(VOVworld) – These days, Co To Island in Quang Ninh province is in the middle of jellyfish season. Some people call jellyfish “white gold” because it is a major source of...
Military doctors in Truong Sa Island District

Military doctors in Truong Sa Island District

(VOVworld) - Military doctors and nurses in Truong Sa Island District, Khanh Hoa province, must fulfill two missions at the same time: provide health care to islanders and soldiers living there and provide...
Spring Press Review

Spring Press Review

(VOVworld) –Vietnamese newspapers’ colorful New Year edition covers the jubilant celebrations throughout Vietnam and overseas, leaders’ New Year messages, national traditions, and Vietnam’s socio-economic performance
Tet celebration on Truong Sa island district

Tet celebration on Truong Sa island district

(VOVworld) – Located hundreds of nautical miles from the mainland, Truong Sa (Spratly) district of Khanh Hoa province is enjoying a joyful Tet festival. Despite difficulties, soldiers and people on the...
Lunar New Year celebrated nationwide

Lunar New Year celebrated nationwide

(VOVworld) – The Lunar New Year ( Tet ) is joyfully celebrated nationwide. The atmosphere on the last day of the year is so special, marking the transition from the old year to...
‘Sea, Islands – Vietnam’s Heart program

‘Sea, Islands – Vietnam’s Heart program

VOVworld) – A special arts performance and exchange program was held in Hanoi on Wednesday to mark the 72nd anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Army and the 27th anniversary of...
Russia, NATO strengthen military

Russia, NATO strengthen military

(VOVworld) – The arms race between NATO and Russia has escalated since the UK announced its deployment of an additional 800 troops and fighter aircraft to Russia’s western border. Earlier,...