US conducts airstrikes in Iraq

US conducts airstrikes in Iraq

(VOVWORLD) - The US military on Tuesday carried out airstrikes in Iraq, targeting facilities used by the armed forces of Iraq in retaliation for missile and drone attacks on American troops in...
Iran arrests 32 suspects of deadly Kerman attacks

Iran arrests 32 suspects of deadly Kerman attacks

(VOVWORLD) - Iranian security forces have arrested 32 suspects allegedly involved in last week’s deadly terror attacks in the southeastern Iranian city of Kerman, leaving more than 360 people dead and...
Iran Film Week 2024 to begin on Jan 10

Iran Film Week 2024 to begin on Jan 10

(VOVWORLD) - “Iran Film Week” will be held at the National Cinema Center in Hanoi next Wednesday on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Iran
Top 10 world events in 2023 selected by VOV

Top 10 world events in 2023 selected by VOV

(VOVWORLD) - Conflicts in many parts of the world, a gloomy global economy, the improved role of developing countries, and AI’s gigantic development are among the top ten world events...
Iran reacts to IAEA report on uranium enrichment

Iran reacts to IAEA report on uranium enrichment

(VOVWORLD) -Iran's atomic energy chief Mohammad Eslami said Wednesday that there was "nothing new" in a nuclear watchdog report saying Tehran had reversed a months-long slowdown in its uranium...
Israel affirms prolonged conflict with Hamas

Israel affirms prolonged conflict with Hamas

(VOVWORLD) -Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that the Gaza conflict is far from over, adding that only a continued offensive in Gaza can pressure Hamas to release its...
Hamas-Israel conflict overcasts Middle East

Hamas-Israel conflict overcasts Middle East

(VOVWORLD) -The Hamas-Israel conflict is a geopolitical cataclysm overshadowing the Middle East this year. It’s the largest conflict of the past few decades between Israel and the Islamist movement...
Denmark passes law to ban Koran burnings

Denmark passes law to ban Koran burnings

(VOVWORLD) - Denmark's parliament on Thursday passed a law making it illegal to burn the Koran in public places, seeking to deescalate tensions with Muslim countries after a spate of Danish...