Vietnam 120 years ago in pictures

Vietnam 120 years ago in pictures

(VOVworld)- Historic images of Hanoi, Haiphong, Hue, Nha Trang and Saigon in the late 19th century were depicted in a valuable collection of photographs by Governor-general of Indochina Armand...
The Khmer ‘Dù kê’ musical theatre

The Khmer ‘Dù kê’ musical theatre

(VOVworld) - ‘Dù kê’ is a style of musical theater created by Khmer people in southern Vietnam in the early 19th century, reflecting a cultural interaction of different ethnic communities...
Vietnam-Cambodia relations

Vietnam-Cambodia relations

(VOVworld) – January 7th marks 35 years since Cambodia’s victory over the Khmer Rouge regime. The victory, largely thanks to the support of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers, liberated Cambodia from genocide....
Cambodia commemorates January 7 victory

Cambodia commemorates January 7 victory

(VOVworld) – The Cambodian People’s Party will hold a ceremony to mark the 35th anniversary of the victory over the Khmer Rouge genocidal regime on January 7th, 2014
Vietnam’s cultural picture in 2013

Vietnam’s cultural picture in 2013

(VOVworld) – UNESCO recognition of music and songs of Vietnam’s southern region called Don ca tai tu is one of prominent cultural event in Vietnam in 2013. In...
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

(VOVworld) - Shortwave isn’t just for developing countries. A lot of our listeners in European countries and the US are still committed to shortwave broadcast to learn about other parts of...