Concert bridges Vietnamese and Spanish cultures

Concert bridges Vietnamese and Spanish cultures

(VOVWORLD) -To celebrate 45 years of diplomatic ties between Vietnam and Spain, the Vietnam National Academy of Music will host a concert titled Melodia de Espana Concerto - Spanish Melodies
Vietnamese youths act for climate change

Vietnamese youths act for climate change

(VOVWORLD) - Twenty young people from different parts of Vietnam and several Vietnamese and UNDP experts met last week to update the Special Report “Youth for Climate Action in Vietnam.”
Vietnamese engineer excels in ozone technology

Vietnamese engineer excels in ozone technology

(VOVWORLD) - After participating in a project on water disinfection in Hanoi using ozone technology, graduate student Le Cao Cuong cherished a dream of creating ‘Made in Vietnam’ ozone equipment. 20 years later...
Wednesday July 06, 2022

Wednesday July 06, 2022

(VOVWORLD) - Last week VOVWorld received 389 letters and emails from listeners in 33 countries and territories who listened to VOV’s programs in 12 languages. We were very glad to receive...
Young guardian of Vietnamese art of “Son Mai”

Young guardian of Vietnamese art of “Son Mai”

(VOVWORLD) - Traditionally used to decorate wooden items, “son mai,” or lacquer painting, has evolved over the past century to become a freestanding art form in Vietnam. Despite its painstaking making process...
HASU - Vietnam’s app for the elderly 

HASU - Vietnam’s app for the elderly 

(VOVWORLD) - Interested in work related to health, society, and people, Ngo Thuy Anh created HASU, an app for older people. The app was launched in March 2020 and already 12,000 people...
Ralava - Trash is gold 

Ralava - Trash is gold 

(VOVWORLD) - “Garbage is not worthless”, with this idea, Dr Vuong Thi Lan Anh, lecturer at the Faculty of Chemical Technology, Hanoi University of Industry, has launched the Ralava + solution, with the goal...