VNEdu 4.0, the leading smart education ecosystem in Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) -Winning the First Prize in the category of Closing the Digital Gap of the Make in Vietnam Digital Technology Product Award’s First Season, VNPT Group's VNEdu 4.0 Smart Education Ecosystem has become Vietnam’s number one education ecosystem today. Strongly applying modern education trends and 4.0 technologies, VNEdu 4.0 is the education ecosystem that has the largest market share in Vietnam.

VNEdu 4.0, the leading smart education ecosystem in Vietnam - ảnh 1VNEdu 4.0 currently holds the No. 1 market share in Vietnam. Illustration:
VNEdu is an application built in the early stage of the fourth industrial revolution, marking the digital transformation of VNPT Group in particular and of Vietnam in general. VNEdu 4.0 has so far transcended the meaning of the e-teaching ecosystem to take on the mission of cultivating people in digitizing education, revolutionizing digital education in Vietnam.

According to researchers’ survey, VNEdu 4.0 currently holds the No. 1 market share in Vietnam with over 30,000 schools, more than 8 million students and more than 800,000 teachers using it. Particularly, during the COVID-19 pandemic, VNEdu with its online teaching and learning application platform VNPT E-learning was operated free of charge at schools and millions of lectures were created. As a result, teaching will not be interrupted, saving a lot of state budget and ensuring that the educational program goes on as usual.

VNEdu 4.0 uses technologies such as face attendance, voice recognition, Blockchain diplomas, and electronic payments and uses smart educational methods such as Adaptive Learning, Mobile Learning, and Flip Learning. Among the products of the VNPT’s VNEdu ecosystem, the product that is used by most people and is most interested in is the School Management product, a solution to help computerize processes and operations in schools.

Teacher Phan Van Duc of Hanoi Star School, said VNEdu helps solve the problems facing schools, teachers, and parents. 

Although it’s more convenient and simple to use social networking platforms to form groups to exchange information between teachers and parents, this option also has many shortcomings such as it’s easy to skip messages or publicize students’ private information. Not to mention, other information such as attendance, learning and training results, among others which are not automatically sent through these public social networking channels, will make the school and teachers spend a lot of time handling with manual manipulation. With VNEdu, we can completely simplify these things,” Duc said.

For parents, the VNEdu Connect app is a tool to update information and an effective communication channel between teachers and parents in maintaining their children's learning habits.

Pham Thi Minh, a student's parent, said: “I download the app on the iOS platform. Thanks to VNEdu, this app helps parents avoid worrying that their children won't study on their own or attend class without the school's attendance form. This tool also allows you to send your leave applications to your homeroom teachers via the app or easily pay your children's tuition fees online.”

In November 2021, at the ceremony honoring "Vietnamese goods loved by consumers", VNEdu won the title of TOP 1 Vietnamese goods loved by consumers of the year. Before that, VNEdu was honored at the Make in Vietnam Digital Technology Product Award by the Ministry of Information and Communications.

VNEdu 4.0, the leading smart education ecosystem in Vietnam - ảnh 2Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Phan Tam. Photo:

Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Phan Tam told the ceremony: “VNEdu product, which is VNPT's smart education ecosystem, won the first prize in the category of Closing the Digital Gap. VNEdu became the top 1 keyword for online learning, top 2 for trending on google in Vietnam. App downloads have numbered 3.5 million, which is applauded by many customers. Many award-winning products have helped agencies, governments, businesses and people to carry out digital transformation. In particular, many digital technology enterprises have joined hands with the country in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, offering many solutions and digital platforms to participate in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic to develop sustainably in the new normal, successfully realizing the dual goals of economic development and pandemic response.”

VNPT has over the years continuously updated new technologies and affirmed that digital transformation in education plays a critical role not only for the education sector but also has a great impact on the country both in the immediate and long term.

To date, VNEdu has developed into an education ecosystem with more than 20 products and services. VNPT is strongly applying technology Cloud Computing, Big Data, AI, Blockchain, among others with educational application problems: School information management system; Nutrition management software; Fee collection management system integrated with electronic invoices; Customizable online exam and learning materials portal; Educational accreditation software; Education Operations Center; Electronic attendance system using artificial intelligence technology; Certificate management system using Blockchain technology.

As the application is recognized and honored, and millions of users downloaded and used it on both Android/iOS platforms are the most vivid proofs of VNEdu's convenience and practical usefulness, helping the ecosystem VNEdu education holds the No. 1 market share in Vietnam, affirming its pioneering role in digital education, and building a modern and humane digital education.

