Top attractions in Da Lat City

Top attractions in Da Lat City

(VOVWORLD) - Da Lat attracts visitors with its natural beauty, unique architecture, and historical relics. Located on the Lam Vien plateau at 1,500 meters above sea level, Da Lat has...
US warns of sanctions for arms sales to Iran

US warns of sanctions for arms sales to Iran

(VOVWORLD) - Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned Sunday that the US is prepared to sanction any individual or entity that materially contributes to the supply, sale, or transfer of conventional...
Vietnam’s first 4G LTE lab installed

Vietnam’s first 4G LTE lab installed

(VOVWORLD) - The Military Industry-Telecoms Group (Viettel Group) has given a fourth-generation (4G) mobile network lab to the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (PTIT).This is the first...
ASEAN step up cooperation with EU, India

ASEAN step up cooperation with EU, India

(VOVWORLD) - The ASEAN-EU and ASEAN-India Ministerial Meetings were held virtually on Saturday within the framework of the 53rd ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (AMM 53) and Related Meetings
EU divided on economic stimulus package

EU divided on economic stimulus package

(VOVWORLD) - European Union leaders agreed on a massive stimulus plan for their coronavirus-blighted economies at a fractious summit that lasted almost five days