EU leaders negotiate new sanctions on Russia

EU leaders negotiate new sanctions on Russia

(VOVWORLD) - The EU leaders held the first discussions on the newly proposed sanctions package against Russia on Wednesday. If approved, this will be the EU’s 11th package of sanctions...
World condemns Israel attacks in Gaza

World condemns Israel attacks in Gaza

(VOVWORLD) -Syria, Jordan, Turkey, and Iran on Tuesday condemned Israeli attacks in Gaza Strip the same day that claimed the lives of 13 Palestinians including women and children
Activities marking Workers’ Month underway

Activities marking Workers’ Month underway

(VOVWORLD) - This year’s Worker’s Month is being celebrated with the theme “Connecting workers- Building organization.” To mark the occasion, cities and provinces nationwide and trade unions are organizing...
Foundation built to improve business environment

Foundation built to improve business environment

(VOVWORLD) -The Vietnamese Government is committed to creating favorable conditions for businesses grow, said Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh at the annual Vietnam Business Forum, themed "The business community accompanies the Vietnamese government in promoting green growth...
Consumer rights protected

Consumer rights protected

(VOVWORLD) -March 15th is observed as Vietnam Consumer Rights Day. This year’s theme "Transparent Information – Safe Consumption" affirms the importance of information for consumer safety in choosing, buying, and...