Natural disasters affect countries around the world

Natural disasters affect countries around the world

(VOVWORLD) - Serious flooding has occurred in some South Asian countries. Landslides have caused major losses in Sierra Leone. Drought is affecting Greece. Earthquake has struck China. Over the past few days...
Promoting women’s role globally

Promoting women’s role globally

(VOVworld)-The 11th Global Summit of Women Speakers of Parliament opened on Monday in the United Arab Emirates, attended by representatives from some 50 countries. The Vietnamese delegation is led...
Guinea free of Ebola

Guinea free of Ebola

(VOVworld) – Guinea’s Health Ministry and the World Health Organisation say Guinea is free of Ebola. The country has reported no new case in the, 42 days since the last patient recovered and...
UNESCO highlights Cuba in fighting Ebola

UNESCO highlights Cuba in fighting Ebola

(VOVworld) - The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) highlighted the role of Cuba in the fight against Ebola, and also its achievements in science and education
Inter-Libyan peace dialogue resumes in Algeria

Inter-Libyan peace dialogue resumes in Algeria

(VOVworld) - Inter-Libyan peace dialogue resumed on Wednesday in Algerian capital of Algiers in a new attempt to bridge the gap between antagonists in the north African nation which has...
Italian nurse tests positive for Ebola virus

Italian nurse tests positive for Ebola virus

(VOVworld) – An Italian nurse working with medical charity Emergency tested positive for the Ebola virus on Tuesday. The Italian Health Ministry said the 37-year-old male paramedic has worked in Sierra...