Vietnam achieves high in gender equality

Vietnam achieves high in gender equality

(VOVWORLD) -The United Nations has assessed that Vietnam is one of the countries with impressive gender equality achievements. Thanks to Party guidelines, State policies, and active involvement by sectors at...
Impressions of Vietnamese press in 2017

Impressions of Vietnamese press in 2017

(VOVWORLD) - Minister of Information and Communications Truong Minh Tuan, in an article in the Nhan Dan (People) daily newspaper, highlighted the remarkable achievements of the Vietnamese press in 2017. Here...
Vietnam accelerates reform to improve growth quality

Vietnam accelerates reform to improve growth quality

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese government has issued a resolution on socio-economic and budget management in 2018 focusing on achieving GDP growth target, promoting economic restructuring, and reforming growth models. Last week...
IMF chief warns of “dark world future”

IMF chief warns of “dark world future”

(VOVWORLD) - The world faces a "dark future" in 50 years if it fails to tackle climate change and inequality, IMF managing director Christine Lagarde told an economic conference in Saudi...
#Danceforlove 2017: Love someone enough to set them free

#Danceforlove 2017: Love someone enough to set them free

(VOVWORLD) - Have you ever found yourself stuck in long lasting prejudices of society that exist in your own family, such as the notions that women must love men, a free-lance job is not a real job, every woman must get married...
UN proposes 10 solutions to reduce inequality

UN proposes 10 solutions to reduce inequality

(VOVWORLD) - Removing obstacles to young women accessing information about sex and childbirth is one of ten solutions to reduce inequality outlined by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). According to its...
Vietnam aims to narrow rich-poor gap

Vietnam aims to narrow rich-poor gap

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese Party and State have yearned for a fair society where all citizens have the right to contribute and enjoy benefits. Vietnam is now set to narrow the...
Wealth inequality increases in the UK

Wealth inequality increases in the UK

(VOVWORLD) - Inequality in home ownership in the UK has increased to an alarming level. A report of the Resolution Foundation of the UK shows that second home ownership has increased from...
Vietnam commits to successfully implement SDGs

Vietnam commits to successfully implement SDGs

(VOVWORLD) -The Vietnamese government has issued a National Action Plan to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which demonstrates Vietnam's determination and responsibility for achieving SDGs
Factors affecting world economy

Factors affecting world economy

(VOVWORLD) - The global economy has recovered, with growth exceeding 3.5% this year and next, according to financial institutions and international organizations, But many risks threaten this growth, including high...