Life adversities

Life adversities

(VOVWORLD) - In Vietnam people with disabilities and their families are generally poorer than most. They have fewer employment opportunities and less access to social services. Inequality still exists in living standards, societal attitudes...
World renews fight against COVID-19

World renews fight against COVID-19

(VOVWORLD) - Leaders and scientists from more than 100 countries and organizations are attending a 2-day online special UN session on the COVID-19 pandemic, the greatest health crisis of...
PM: Women are important in national development

PM: Women are important in national development

(VOVWORLD) - Women’s role in national development is crucial, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc said on Thursday at the ASEAN Women Leaders’ Summit, themed “Role of women in building a cohesive, dynamic...
Biden's lead widens to 16 points nationally

Biden's lead widens to 16 points nationally

(VOVWORLD) - Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has a 16-point lead over President Donald Trump among likely voters nationwide, according to a new survey released less than a month from...
ASEAN Women for Peace convenes online meeting

ASEAN Women for Peace convenes online meeting

(VOVWORLD) - An online conference of the ASEAN Women for Peace Registry (AWPR) on Friday discussed the implementation of the ASEAN Leaders' Declaration on Women, Peace and Security adopted in 2017,...
Anti-racism demonstrations spread worldwide

Anti-racism demonstrations spread worldwide

(VOVWORLD) - Racial discrimination protests continue to spread across the US and many cities worldwide, triggered by the death of an unarmed black man while in police custody in Minneapolis, Minnesota
UK to host vaccination forum

UK to host vaccination forum

(VOVWORLD) - The United Kingdom will host a summit in June seeking to raise billions of Dollars for the preeminent vaccination organization, Gavi, to produce a coronavirus vaccine, UK Foreign Secretary...