Vietnam and gender equality

Vietnam and gender equality

(VOVworld)-With major achievements in gender equality, Vietnam has been considered by the UN a highlight in implementing Millennium Development Goals
Pagoda and village culture

Pagoda and village culture

(VOVworld) – The Red River Delta is the cradle of the ancient Vietnamese wet rice civilization and culture. It is also the place where Buddhism was first introduced to Vietnam. Pagodas...
Vietnam strives to reduce social inequality

Vietnam strives to reduce social inequality

(VOVworld)-Vietnam’s economic model in the post-renewal process has yielded high growth rates and helped the majority of the population escape poverty. But increasing social inequality has become...
The US withdraws from TPP

The US withdraws from TPP

(VOVworld) – President Donald Trump signed an executive order withdrawing the US from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal on Monday, realizing a promise from his campaign last year. This new...
Hope for a peaceful world in 2017

Hope for a peaceful world in 2017

(VOVworld) – In an address marking the New Year and his first day in office as UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres said that in 2017 the top priority must be ensuring...
Promoting women’s role globally

Promoting women’s role globally

(VOVworld)-The 11th Global Summit of Women Speakers of Parliament opened on Monday in the United Arab Emirates, attended by representatives from some 50 countries. The Vietnamese delegation is led...
US greets its 45th President

US greets its 45th President

(VOVworld)- Republican nominee Donald Trump has won the US Presidential election 2016 to become the 45th President of the US. According to analysts, the new US President’s top priority...
UN appeals for the curbing of poverty

UN appeals for the curbing of poverty

(VOVworld) - Ending extreme poverty was essential to save lives and limit the damage from disasters, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon said, as figures revealed poorer nations bear the brunt of deaths from...