

Highlights: - Drought in Cape could see 50,000 jobs lost and food prices spike - Seal's new album features timeless classics - Facebook, Google, Twitter join "Trust Project" to combat fake news ...
Fish Porridge for Kids

Fish Porridge for Kids

(VOVWORLD) - Fish Porridge is a good option for young children, since it’s easy to prepare and you can pack a good deal of nutrition into a single dish. Fish porridge cooked the right way...
Musician Van Ky and timeless musical work

Musician Van Ky and timeless musical work

(VOVworld) – Van Ky is a well-known musician of red and romantic music. The Song of Hope is associated with this musician’s name. Van Ky has written a number of songs,...
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

A: Bun Cha- the traditional Vietnamese dish - consists of grilled pork served in a broth or with dipping sauce, along with rice noodles and fresh herbs. It is one of the...
Sovereignty markers symbolize love for Truong Sa

Sovereignty markers symbolize love for Truong Sa

(VOVworld) – “Sovereignty markers” are often considered the emblem of Truong Sa archipelago. These markers reflect not only the sovereignty of the nation, but also Vietnamese people’s respect for...
Tet celebration in Ho Chi Minh City

Tet celebration in Ho Chi Minh City

(VOVworld) – Together with people around the country, residents of Ho Chi Minh City are joyfully welcoming a new year, the year of the snake 2013
Live TV show on aerial victory

Live TV show on aerial victory

On the occasion of 40th anniversary of the Hanoi- Dien Bien Phu in the air victory, the Air Defence Force and Ho Chi Minh TV hosted a live video-conference...
Music of the August Revolution

Music of the August Revolution

(VOVworld)-The 1945 August Revolution was an important milestone in Vietnamese history and opened a new page in Vietnam’s musical history, too. During this period, songwriters and musicians who were revolutionary activists...
February 22, 2012

February 22, 2012

In its first month of operation, our website at www.vovworld.vn has received a lot of visitors, who are mostly shortwave listeners with constructive feedback