Aesthetic values of Lo Lo costumes

Aesthetic values of Lo Lo costumes

(VOVworld) – Although they live in remote, isolated mountain areas of Ha Giang and Cao Bang province and have a small population, the Lo Lo have a strong sense of culture and...
Grave leaving ceremony of the Raglai

Grave leaving ceremony of the Raglai

(VOVworld) – Raglai people believe that there is a world for the living and another for the dead and only the world of the deceased is eternal. With such a belief,...
New rice ceremony of the Raglai

New rice ceremony of the Raglai

(VOVworld) – The Raglai people have several ceremonies relating to the life cycle of a man or a tree. The new rice ceremony is the biggest event of all. After harvesting and stockpiling rice...
Activities to mark Vietnam Family Day 2015

Activities to mark Vietnam Family Day 2015

(VOVworld) – Various activities took place to mark Vietnam Family Day 2015. On Saturday, the Viet Nam Village for Ethnic Culture and Tourism held cultural and art programs under the theme “The...
The Van Kieu preserve their stilt house

The Van Kieu preserve their stilt house

(VOVworld) – Many of the Van Kieu’s traditional values and customs including their stilt houses have been affected by modern life. The Quang Tri provincial Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism...
Tour of villages in Dak Lak

Tour of villages in Dak Lak

(VOVworld) – Visitors to Dak Lak province in the central highlands have an opportunity to ride an elephants and learn how local people hunt and tame elephants. The province is home to several ethnic minority groups...
Giay folk singing - binding the community

Giay folk singing - binding the community

(VOVworld) – The Giay have diverse genres of folk singing. The lyrics are about legends, natural and social phenomena, love, and life. Community singing sessions always rally all villagers in the...